Auction Schedule

Low Price Auction and Brand Auction

What time will the auction list be updated:

  1. Low Price/ Value Price Auction and Brand Auction, auction list will be updated every week Thursday midnight.

When will you be able to place bids:

      1. Low Price Auction / Value Price Auction will be open for bidding from Friday midnight until Monday 17:00p.m.
        There will be different extended bid deadline change for each period at  16.00pm Tableware, Clothings, Hobbies & Others 16.20pm Watches, Jewelry, Accessories, 16.40pm, 17.00pm, 17.20pm and 17.40pm Bags.

    Low Price Monday Auction Bidding closing time schedule

    Bidding CategoriesBidding end time
    Tableware, Clothings, Hobbies and OthersBid end time 16:00
    Watches and Jewelry
    Bid end time 16:20
    BagsBid end time 16:40
    BagsBid end time 17:00
    BagsBid end time 17:20
    BagsBid end time 17:40

    (Last Minute Sell-Through/ Negotiation period)

    1. For items which have not reach the reserved selling price and was not successfully sold in the auction will have the second results closing time at 22:00pm on the same auction closing date.


    1. Brand Auction will be open for bidding from Friday midnight until Tuesday 10:00a.m and the auction will be held on Tuesday 10:00a.m till 17:00p.m.

        Results will be generated from 10:00am till 17:00pm.

    note: all the above listed is base on Japan time

    Real Time Auction and Time Limited Auction

    1. Real Time Auction and Time Limited Auction, auction list will be updated every week Thursday midnight and Saturday midnight.
    2. The closing time will be listed on the item and you may check the sample bidding time below.
      •  Prebid will be open from Thursday and there will be 3 different batch for Bid closing time at 7:59am Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
    3. The bidding results will be updated once the item have been auctioned and the won results might be updated later after the auction have ended.
    4.  might be updated later after the auction have ended.

    1.  (Pending for negotiation)

      For items which have not reach the reserved selling price and was not successfully sold in the auction, the seller will have an option (quick selling products method) to sell to whom the highest bids  placed by the buyer. The items will be considered sold to the buyer without the buyer’s consent by 12:00pm for Wednesday Auction the results will be shown in the bid list latest by Thursday /  for Friday Auction the results will be shown in the bid list latest by Monday on the following week.

    Bidding PeriodBidding Results/ Negotiation Period/ Invoice issued
    RealTime Every Saturday 00:00 – Monday 7:59am
    Between every Monday 18:00 ~ Tuesday 12:00
    RealTime Every Saturday 00:00 – Tuesday 7:59amBetween every Tuesday 18:00 ~ Wednesday 12:00
    RealTime Every Monday 00:00 – Wednesday 7:59amBetween every Wednesday 18:00 ~ Thursday 12:00
    TimeLimit Every Monday 00:00 – Wednesday 18:00pm 
    Between every Wednesday 18:00 ~ Thursday 12:00
    RealTime Every Monday 00:00 – Thursday 7:59am
    Between every Thursday 18:00 ~ Friday 12:00
    RealTime Every Wednesday 00:00 – Friday 7:59am
    Between every Friday 18:00 ~ Monday 12:00
    TimeLimit Every Wednesday 00:00 – Friday 18:00pm
    Between every Friday 18:00 ~ Monday 12:00

    note: all the above listed is base on Japan time

    MKK Auction

    1. MKK Auction, auction list will be updated on Tuesday midnight and the auction ends on Saturday.
    2. The closing time will be listed on the item and you may check the sample bidding time according to the item batch.
    3. The bidding results will be updated once the item have been auctioned.
    Bidding PeriodBid Schedule end time
    Tuesday 12:00 – Saturday According to the timer from 10:00 – 17:00
    Tuesday 12:00 – Friday 
    According to the timer from 10:00 – 14:30
    According to the Box number (eg. 1-35/ 1401-1430)timer end time 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30
    According to the Box number (eg. 1467-1500)timer end time 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00 

    note: all the above listed is base on Japan time